
The quality of the adult Core range is now available for children as well. The high-performance fabrics used boast low water absorption and good compression.

The Core Kid Race Suit is comfortable and sturdy, as it uses the same materials as the adult version. It consists of an environmentally sustainable Italian-made material, a high quality recycled nylon, which provides an optimum fit, sun protection and maximum breathability.

This trisuit is designed with a chamois that is specifically designed for children who train for triathlons. The suit for rising stars.

LONG LIFE FABRICS The long-lasting Italian fabric is made of LYCRA® XTRA LIFE™, making it more resistant to wear. The perfect child-proof fabric.

AQUASTRETCH This lightweight fabric dries quickly and provides superior breathability while its waterproof Orca Enduro coating allows it to glide through water when you are swimming. TRI-SUPPORT CHAMOIS This 9-mm Italian-made chamois with a density of 65 kg/m3 is the perfect size for triathlon use and provides necessary protection to young athletes.


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